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Advanced Hitting Instruction

Every athlete that comes in to train with Split Rock Athletics will receive video analysis of their movement patterns. Once the athlete’s baseline is established a personalized training plan will be tailored to meet their needs.

Force production is a result of proper utilization of the kinematic chain. Establishing proper body moves, centered around balance, timing, direction and adjustability, allows hitters to develop athletic moves that solve different pitch solutions. Through these principles and training the “flow” state of mind, our hitters aim to transfer energy in a line through contact and “hit through” the baseball, rather than around contact, while aiming to consistently access their peak performance state.

Athletes will be trained to become experts in their movements and awareness, which will allow them to self-correct for greater success.

Training Resources:

  • Synapse CCR

  • Power Platform

  • Connection balls

  • Hack Attack Pitching Machine

  • Marv Training band

  • Trainer bat

  • Swing path constraints

  • Ankle weights

  • Wrist weights

Hitting Rates

1 on 1 session

2 on 1 session
$75 per hitter

Remote Video Analysis: $25

Email or text us and we’ll will get right on your video analysis. Every analysis includes a breakdown of areas to improve, voice over technology, telestration and drill recommendations to get in the box and rake.

3 on 1 session
$50 per hitter